Build Credibility: How to Get Powerful Testimonials that Sell


In an ever-growing cyber world, having an online presence and social proof of your product or service has become one of the most sought-after ways of building trust and credibility with new customers.

What is the value of a testimonial?

Testimonials lend credibility to your business and establish trust with potential customers.  They can reduce the risk for the customer and increase the likelihood of purchase. 

Testimonials are not sale pitches but an opportunity for businesses and brands like yours to create personal connections by showing how great your product or service is between your brand and your potential customer.

Third-party opinions are often more credible than statements made by the businesses themselves.  These testimonials can be tailored to different audiences and can be more powerful than any other form of advertising as they are seen to be believable.

What makes a great testimonial?

It’s important to remember that testimonials are not just about glowing words or praise.  They should contain specific, descriptive information on how your business helped your client achieve their goals or overcome challenges.

Here are some examples:

  • What problem were they facing before hiring you as a solution?

  • How did you solve the issue, and why did you go about it the way you did?

  • What was the result, and how have things improved?

  • Include specifics, use numbers

  • If the testimonial is from a company, include:

    • Overview of their business

    • Company logo

    • Name and title

    • Link to their website

  • If it is from a customer remember to include the customer’s full name 

A well-crafted testimonial is personal and engaging

It tells a story about your business and how you helped your client overcome obstacles in their way.  At the end of the day, we are all human, and people want to identify with the person in the testimonial.  Perhaps they are having a similar problem and hope to have the same outcome.

How to ask for a testimonial?

It is not uncommon for businesses to have a process where they collect testimonials from their customers.

It could be as simple as sending a quick email after your sale or service has finished with some questions for them to answer.

Guide your clients by asking the right questions

Don’t forget that great testimonials use specifics, so guide your clients by asking the right questions. 

You could be asking questions such as:


·      What problem were you trying to solve by using our product or service?

·      Why did you choose our product or service?

·      What did you like about working with our company?

·      What have you been able to achieve since using our product or service?

·      Why would you recommend our product or service?

·      What would you tell someone if they were considering using our product or service?

·      Could we have improved your experience in using us?

·      How would you describe your experience with us in one word?


You want to avoid yes or no answers as much as possible.  This will give you more insight into the customer’s experience.

Depending on the product/service you provide, you can always take the information the client has written and compile the testimonial yourself. Should you do this, always send it back to the customer for approval.

It is essential to ask permission from your client/customer that you can publicly use their testimonial on your website, social media or marketing material.

Where should I put my customer testimonials?

Customer testimonials are powerful forms of selling (but without the sales pitch) and should be featured in different touchpoints throughout your marketing platforms.

Your Website

You don’t want to overload your visitors with pages of testimonials on your website.  Adding a high-quality piece on each page of your website will make for a more significant impact.

Don’t forget to include a testimonial on:


·      Your home page

·      About Page

·      Product / Services Page

·      Blog Page

·      Contact Page

·      Sales / Landing Page

Social Media

Highlighting your success on social media is one way to get your testimonials out there in front of your audience. 

Adding a testimonial post every week is a great way to show customers how your product or service is received.

Feature your service/product that the testimonial is referring to with either the full testimonial or a snippet. 

You can also create a backdrop in canva and type the testimonial out in your brand colours.


Emails are an easy way to reach your existing customer base and those interested in your product or services.

Include a testimonial in your newsletter or build a case study around a particular testimonial. 

Case studies have been proven to persuade potential clients by showing you have solved a problem with your product or service.


Placing testimonials either in full or as a snippet in a flyer introduces the potential client to proof that your product or service is valuable.



Never be afraid to ask a client for a testimonial.  They are valuable for your business and for gaining new business in the future. 

Approach existing clients with who you have a good relationship and ask them for a testimonial.  Create a list of questions from the ideas I have listed above.

If you are starting with your business and haven’t had any customers as yet.  Giving several ‘freebies’ out in exchange for testimonials can be a great way to track how your product or service is received.

It is important to remember, most people, no matter what the product or service, will research reviews and testimonials online before making up their mind where to purchase. 

By investing time into your testimonials, you can make sure you are not missing out on any opportunities.


If you would like help in putting together your testimonials for use in your marketing materials or your website, reach out and let’s have a chat.


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