How to Write a Website About Page That Converts

As the saying goes, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." And when it comes to your website, your about page is often the first impression visitors will have of your business.

It's where they go to learn about who you are, what you do, and why they should choose to work with you. 

A well-crafted about page can build trust and connection and help turn prospects into loyal customers.

In this article, I’ll explore why your about page is so crucial to your website's success, and provide you with some tips and best practices for creating an about page that truly shines.

So, whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your existing page, I’ve got you covered.

Why your website about page is important

Whilst potential customers visit your website for specific information, such as services and pricing, it may come as a surprise that many visitors tend to click on the "About" page first.

Your website about page can serve as a powerful tool to showcase your brand and connect with your audience.

1.    Your about page builds connection and trust

When it comes to establishing trust with potential clients or customers, the about page on your website is an absolute goldmine. This is where visitors to your site can get a glimpse into who you are, what you stand for, and whether or not you have the skills and knowledge to solve the problems they're facing.

2.    Humanise your brand and create a genuine connection

As online interactions continue to increase, it's important to remember that behind every business is a team of real people. The about page serves as a powerful tool for humanising your business and building trust with your visitors.

By introducing your team and giving an insight into who they are and why they do what they do, you’ll create a powerful message that resonates with visitors. This helps establish a personal connection with your audience and gives them the confidence that they are dealing with real humans who understand their needs. At the end of the day, people want to do business with people they trust and like.

Your About page can help you achieve both of those things.

How to write the perfect about page

Creating an effective about page that not only speaks to your target market but conveys what makes your business unique from your competitor, is not always easy.

Let's take a look at some key components that will help you strike that perfect balance.

1.    It’s not all about you

The about page on your website is typically viewed as an opportunity to showcase your company's accomplishments and highlight the team's skills.

While this is partially true, it's equally important to remember why your website visitors are there in the first place.

They have a problem or challenge they need help solving, and it's up to you to show them that you understand their pain points and can provide the solutions they need.

Don't make the mistake of only glorifying your company's mission and values; make it clear that your focus is on serving your customers and meeting their needs.

By proving your understanding of your customers' problems and offering solutions, you will build the trust necessary to establish lasting relationships and drive business growth.

 2.    Invite the reader into your story

When it comes to telling the story of your business, your about page is the perfect place to start. It's a chance to invite your readers into your world, to share your journey with them, and to let them see behind the scenes of what makes your product or service unique.

You can showcase the processes and techniques that go into creating your product or service and share the moments of pride and joy you feel when you hand that finished product to a satisfied customer.

Your about page is like a mini snapshot of your office or studio - a truly unique window into your world. So why not invite your readers in, and say hello?

3.    Showcase your accomplishments

When potential clients are researching your business, they want to know that you are credible and accomplished.

If you've won any awards or recognition in your industry, be sure to showcase it!

Working with a charity is also a great way to demonstrate your values and give back to your community. Including how many years you’ve been in business demonstrates expertise and stability.

Including these types of accomplishments on your about page will help build trust with your audience and set you apart from your competition.

4.    Share your business values

Your about page is the perfect place to share with your prospective clients the values that guide your business practices.

But have you considered how those values can benefit your customers?

By aligning your values with those of your clients, you can build trust and establish a strong connection.

For example, if one of your core values is transparency, your clients can be assured that they are receiving clear and honest communication every step of the way.

Or if you value collaboration, your clients can expect a partnership in creating the best outcome for their needs.

By highlighting your values in a customer-centric way, you not only create a sense of shared values, but also demonstrate to your clients that their success and satisfaction is your top priority.

5.    Don’t forget to include a call to action

When it comes to crafting a compelling about page, it's important not to overlook the power of a well-crafted call to action (CTA).

Think of your CTA as the cherry on top of an already impressive sundae - it provides the perfect finishing touch to seal the deal with your prospective clients.

Whether you're inviting them to learn more about your services, sign up for your newsletter, or read your latest blog post, a CTA gives visitors a clear call to action that beckons them to take the next step in their journey with your company.

So, don't forget to include a CTA at the bottom of your about page, it just might be the push your visitors need to convert into customers.

Crafting an about page that truly connects with your ideal customer can be a daunting task.

It's easy to get lost in the details of what to include and what to leave out, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start.

I can help you craft an about page that not only reflects your business but speaks directly to your target audience.

With my professional and friendly approach, I’ll work with you every step of the way to create an about page that truly shines.

Your ideal customer is waiting!


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