Why Email List Building is Essential for Business Success


It’s easy to assume in the digital landscape we live in that social media reigns supreme.

However, recent studies suggest a surprising contender: email lists.

According to MarketingSherpra, 60% of consumers subscribe to a brand's email list, that’s a whole lot of opportunity to get up close and personal with prospective and existing clients.

Let’s dive into the power of personal connection through email lists and why they are trumping social media in fostering customer engagement by discussing:

  1. Ownership and Control

  2. Having More Eyes on Your Emails

  3. Control Over What Is Being Seen

  4. Getting Up Close and Personal

  5. Test What Messaging Works

  6. Sequence Emailing

You Have Ownership and Control

Owning your database is crucial to your success, and that's where email lists really come into their own.

Unlike social media platforms, you have full control over your email list. You own it, and you're not at the mercy of an algorithm or policy changes that can drastically affect your reach.

There is something reassuring about knowing that you have a direct line to your customers or readers, especially since social media followings can be unpredictable.

With an email list, you can reach out to your audience whenever you choose, without worrying about sudden disruptions. On the other hand, social media followers can disappear in an instant due to things such as account suspension, platform shutdowns, hackers, or even sudden shifts in user behaviour. 

By cultivating a sturdy email list, you can create a stable foundation for your marketing efforts, and it’s one you can rely on time and time again.

You’ll Get More Eyes on Your Email

With social media platforms constantly changing their algorithms, it's becoming harder and harder to get your posts seen by your followers without paying to promote them.

And not only that, but social media is also becoming increasingly crowded, with tweets and status updates constantly vying for your attention. More and more users are just flicking through their phones, not giving posts their full attention.

However, email offers a different story. Despite the misconception that inboxes are constantly overflowing, they can be a quieter space compared to a newsfeed. If someone has taken the time to sign up for your mailing list, you have a more direct line of communication that cuts through the noise.

Have Control Over What Content is Being Seen

Emails provide you with full control over the content and design of your message, saving you from the limited capabilities of social media platforms.

By using email, you can include all the relevant information about your intended message without sacrificing the user experience.

The versatility of email allows you to be more creative with your communication, you can even add pictures, videos, and other rich media.

With emails, you no longer have to guess how many of your followers have seen your latest post‌—you'll know. 

You’re Able to Get Up Close and Personal

As consumers, we often interact with brands on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. However, when it comes to receiving a message from a brand, email takes personalisation to a new level. 

With email, it is possible to create a customised message that addresses individual concerns and interests. On the other hand, social media posts are more like broadcasts, where the brand communicates with a wider audience.

It's the personal touch that makes an email stand out, making the recipient feel like the message is meant just for them. Customers always appreciate a touch of personalisation that makes them feel valued and understood.

You can do this in several ways.

  • Personalising an automated email can be as simple as addressing the recipient by their name. 

  • Another option is to segment your email list based on different customer demographics or purchasing behaviours, allowing you to tailor your message and offer relevant content.

  • You can also add personalised recommendations or upsell suggestions based on the individual's previous purchases, demonstrating that you understand their needs and preferences.

  • If you have collected birthday information, you can send a birthday message. This could even include a celebratory discount or special offer.

Are you unsure what to include in an email, check out my other blog for some awesome ideas.

Test What Types of Email Messaging Work

The key to success is understanding your target audience and knowing what resonates with them. The versatility of email means there is ample opportunity to do A/B testing. By testing different versions of your emails, you can determine what works best for your target market and fine-tune your strategy accordingly.

This can include:

With A/B testing, you can identify which type of emails perform best, whether it's a casual and friendly tone or a more professional and straightforward approach. By refining your content strategy, you can ensure your emails are hitting all the right notes and delivering the results you deserve.

The Ability to do Sequence Emailing

When it comes to engaging with your customer or client base, there are many different approaches you can take. However, one highly effective method that has grown in popularity in recent years is sequencing. 

By setting up a series of emails that are tailored to your audience's interests and needs, you can guide them along a journey that ultimately leads them to take action, whether that's making a purchase or signing up for a service.

What makes sequencing so powerful is the way it allows you to build trust and engagement over time, while also allowing you to demonstrate your expertise and value. 

By using sequencing, you're able to create a tailored experience for each of your customers or clients, leading them towards a final email that is designed to convert.

Imagine if you had a sales assistant working around the clock to nurture your clients, answer their questions, and guide them seamlessly towards a purchase.

With an email campaign, you can have just that!

By adding this powerful tool to your marketing strategy, you can sit back and focus on your business, while your email campaign does the heavy lifting.

Potential clients will receive a series of helpful messages that will keep your business front of mind and educate them on your product or service. And when they're ready to make a purchase, you'll be waiting with open arms.

 If you need help creating an email campaign that will do the hard work for you, then contact me today and let’s get started.


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